One Association For All

Cargo Rail Service Center e.V. is a European syndicate of workshops, railway undertakings RU, ECM car owners, shippers and industrial partners from the field of rail freight traffic.
The ECM car owners and railway undertakings organised within CRSC e.V. benefit from a European network of partner workshops for their spare-parts management in accordance with AVV thereby ensuring high availability of their cars by means of short response times.
The Skills Centre within CRSC e.V. offers practical support for all requirements within the framework of the new EU Regulations No. 445/2011 and No. 1078/2012.
The CRSC Service Platform represents a step forward into a new era of communications and the insurance concepts of CRSC e.V. offer all members genuine added value.
In brief:
Cargo Rail Service Center e.V. offers practical solutions, advantages to all members thereby promoting freight traffic by rail.